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St. Chad's C.E. (C) Primary School

Growing Hearts and Minds

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The School Day

The School gates and doors open for all pupils at 8:40am


The school day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:25pm. We have a break time at 10:30am in Y3/4 and 11:00am in Y5/6 which lasts for 15 minutes, during which pupils will normally be expected to play outside. Lunchtime is between 12:15pm and 1:15pm. (32 hours 55 minutes per week)


The school day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:20pm for Y1 and Y2. We have a break time at 10:30am which lasts for 15 minutes, during which pupils will normally be expected to play outside. Lunchtime is between 12:00pm and 1:00pm. (32 hours 30 minutes per week)


The school day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm. Lunch is at 11:30am-12:30pm. Due to the nature of the EYFS, there is no specific snack/play time. Nursery and Reception both have their lunches in the hall. (31 hours 40 minutes per week)