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St. Chad's C.E. (C) Primary School

Growing Hearts and Minds

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SEND and Inclusion

St Chad’s C.E. Primary School is a fully inclusive mainstream primary school. We aim to include every pupil in all aspects of school life, and we want every single one of our pupils to reach their full potential.

At St Chad’s we believe that every child has the right to High Quality Teaching and Learning and we have invested heavily to ensure our staff provide this throughout your child’s school journey. We acknowledge that some children require different approaches to teaching in order for them to make progress and achieve their potential, and at St Chad’s we do our very best to identify these needs as early as possible. Subject specific SEND information can be found for each subject on our curriculum page.

To find out more about the SEND provision at St Chad’s C.E. Primary School, please click on the link to our SEND Information Report. You can also find out more about Staffordshire’s SEND local offer through the Staffordshire Connects icon link.

If you wish to discuss our SEND provision further than you can contact the school office and ask to speak to our SENDCo, Miss M. Steele on 01782 567750, or by email via