Home Learning

Familiarity and proficiency with the basic times tables are an essential building block in maths. It opens the door to many other mathematical concepts and increases confidence in the subject. By the end of Y4, children are expected to know every multiplication and division fact up to 12X12 and they are tested on these number facts in the statutory Multiplication Tables Check. Daily practice on TTRockstars will ensure pupil’s master their times tables as early as possible and that they are embedded into long term memory. Teachers monitor who is logging on at home and there is a requirement for daily practice of 10 minutes a night.

EYFS required homework is for children to read their phonics reading book/ share their ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book three times per week and complete the maths activity given out every Friday. Reception children should also practise their phonics sound keyring regularly.

KS1 required homework will be reading 3 times a week, TTRockstars daily (Mon-Fri) and spellings. The learning log will continue to be sent home at the beginning of each term which will include topic-based work and a wider variety of curriculum tasks. The learning log remains non-compulsory and is for your child’s enjoyment in a subject area they may be interested in. It also provides an opportunity for you to become involved in school projects as a family.

Y3/4 required homework will be reading 4 times a week, TTRockstars daily (Mon-Fri) and spellings. The learning log will continue to be sent home at the beginning of each term which will include topic-based work and a wider variety of curriculum tasks. The learning log remains non-compulsory and is for your child’s enjoyment in a subject area they may be interested in. It also provides an opportunity for you to become involved in school projects as a family.

Y5/6 required homework will be reading 4 times a week, TTRockstars daily (Mon-Fri), spellings and alternate maths and English tasks weekly. The learning log will continue to be sent home at the beginning of each term which will include topic-based work and a wider variety of curriculum tasks. The learning log remains non-compulsory and is for your child’s enjoyment in a subject area they may be interested in. It also provides an opportunity for you to become involved in school projects as a family.

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