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St. Chad's C.E. (C) Primary School

Growing Hearts and Minds

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Character Education


At St Chad’s C.E (C) Primary School, our intent is to deliver a Character Education curriculum that is accessible to all and provides our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they require to thrive as independent, confident, healthy, and responsible citizens of society. ‘Character Education’ is the umbrella term we use to integrate our School Values, British Values, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Education) and RSE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education).

As part of our whole school approach, our Character Education curriculum develops the qualities and attributes that pupils need to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities as they grow.

Through a meaningful and stimulating curriculum, we aim to guide our pupils to develop a strong understanding of the diverse world around them. We ensure a safe environment to guide pupils to discuss their feelings and opinions and to develop their emotional intelligence. We encourage pupils to take part in a positive role that contributes to the school and the wider community. We guide our pupils to be aware of the different factors which could affect their world and how to deal with these appropriately, to ensure they have good mental health and well-being. We develop spiritually, morally, culturally, physically and mentally and prepare pupils for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life. We guide our pupils to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships within friendships, families and partnerships, both physically and online.

Weaving through the heart of our Character Education teaching is a commitment to enhancing and promoting our school vision ‘Growing Hearts and Minds’.  

Character Education is delivered through the Entrust Scheme of Work as a basis for planning. Lessons are adapted to reflect the RSE 2020 Curriculum and to deliver an effective Character Education curriculum to pupils suited to their needs. The Entrust Scheme of Work is divided into year groups and six topic areas are covered each year, with links to RSE, British Values, SMSC and our School Values.

The six topics are:

  • Me and my School
  • Me and my Relationships
  • Happy and Healthy Me
  • Me and my Safety
  • Me and Other People
  • Me in the World

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Character Education is taught following Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Understanding of the World, and Communication and Language statements from the EYFS Framework. All lessons are delivered through a variety of adult-led and enhanced provision activities. Pupils learn to form positive relationships that supports respect and celebrates differences. They develop a sense of belonging and a strong-self-image which will enable them to communicate effectively, develop their character and explore the world around them. 

In Key Stage 1 and 2, Character Education is delivered using the Entrust Scheme of Work in line with the National Curriculum. In addition to RSE, Character Education contributes to the teaching of other subjects across the school curriculum and themed curriculum topics which develop children’s understanding of national, international, and global issues. Throughout both Key Stages, pupils develop and build on their skills as they become responsible for the health of their minds, bodies and relationships.

Our Character Education curriculum is delivered implicitly as well as explicitly, through many areas of our school life. For example, some of our whole-school assemblies are linked to a PSHE theme, our School Values, British Values and SMSC. Pupils are highly encouraged to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. This is supported through school council, eco school council and the role of Head Boy and Head Girl. Opportunities for Character Education linked visits are planned for, as well as visits from guest speakers and organisations in the local community to offer additional learning and complement our Character Education curriculum.

During their time at St Chad’s C.E (C) Primary School, our pupils will be equipped with the personal, social and health knowledge to lead confident, healthy independent lives. They will understand and follow the core British values of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect and individual liberty in order to be socially active citizens. Pupils will be able to develop positive and healthy relationships with their peers, and others both now and in the future. They will know how to be safe online and how to identify when they, or others are in danger and report this to someone who can help. Pupils will have a developed knowledge of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of life in a developing and fast-moving world and become positive contributors in society.